Re: 25mm alien combat armor
From: Scott Siebold <gamers@a...>
Date: Fri, 29 Aug 2003 20:37:54 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: 25mm alien combat armor
I'm looking for a 25mm figure in combat suit or battle
armor with a
that looks like it can fit a snout (as in a dog's
snout)..... Any
Other than Space Marines?
Actually the Ral Wolfs (?) are in a ballistic helmet
and would not be easily converted to as a vac suited
figure ( I looked at my figures). I tried to look
them up in my copy of space marines but the rules
have been misplaced (missing presumed lost in one of
my moves over the years perhaps).
Actually I am wondering what is your problem? Get
any figure in a vac suit and use green stuff
or any other modeling putty to extend the helmet.
Guess you could say all those bipeds look alike
in a vac suit.
Scott Siebold