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Re: Looking for more info about StarGrunt / Here's you chance to lure me away from the Dark Side :-)

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 07:56:37 -0400
Subject: Re: Looking for more info about StarGrunt / Here's you chance to lure me away from the Dark Side :-)

From: "Jalinth" <>
> I've owned Full Thrust for several years now, and have been lurking
on the
> list since I got it, so I know GZG makes good games. What I want to
know is
> how SG plays? I'm looking for a game that lacks Chain-Axes and
>Finally if you could give me a rough cost estimate on how much I
would need
>to spend for 1 set of the Rules + enough troops for 1 side

The best SG2 sites I've seen are and .  The
latter has "How Do I Organize My Stargrunt Unit - For Beginners" .

The SG rules cost about US$18 (order from  For the
minis, you have to decide on the scale you want--a lot of players like
25mm (GZG figures are about $1.50/ea), a lot prefer 15mm ($3.75 for 8
figures).  I ordered 10 packs of  Islamic Federation 15mm figures on
14August, got them yesterday, total for everything including shipping
was $45 and some change.

You're not limited to GZG figs, though; for example, if  you want
Soviet versus Afghanis, you can get 100 minis for about $20 at
Irregular .  Or go to the Dollar
Store, look for 20mm plastic soldiers at 200 pieces for $1 -- they
look surprisingly good once they're painted and based.

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