Re: [FT] Worst Gaffe
From: Phillip Atcliffe <Phillip.Atcliffe@u...>
Date: Fri, 2 May 2003 10:22:39 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: [FT] Worst Gaffe
Can't remember any real clangers of errors -- don't say they haven't
happened, just that I can't remember them... <g> -- but I do remember
one absolutely horrendous example of pure bad luck, and the awful
killing power of massed plasma bolts...
Bifrost '01, an eight-player game featuring a Kra'Vak strike on an NAC
repair-resupply ship, with each side receiving "help" from,
repectively, the Phalons and the other 3 major powers; all sides are
using small-to-medium ships -- nothing bigger than a BC, from memory.
The game starts with the Krak on the table, facing an NAC squadron and
an NSL detachment, all in orbit around a planet; the other sides FTL in
at various times over the first few turns -- wherein lay the seeds of
the "tragedy."
I'm playing NAC, my son is ESU with a useful little squadron of
cruisers and his favourite Warsaws (not, for once, acting as his usual
Torpedo DD swarm <g>) and he arranges (before the game starts) to FTL
in away from the visible melee areas -- great, except one Phalon
squadron picked the same area to arrive the turn before and he ends up
right in front of them! One PB salvo took out his entire squadron...
What do you say to a 12-year-old who's been looking forward to this
game for weeks when his fleet is blown out of the sky on its first
turn? B-(
"I think... I think I am! Therefore I am... I think?"
-- The Moody Blues
I think _I_ am Phil Atcliffe (