Re: [FT] Worst Gaff
From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Thu, 1 May 2003 09:24:46 +0100
Subject: Re: [FT] Worst Gaff
On Wed, Apr 30, 2003 at 06:51:49PM -0700, Brian Burger wrote:
>My worst screwup came the one and only time I played cinematic FB, and
>flew most of my Phalon squadron into their own plasma bolts... That 6"
>burst radius vs the 3" vector radius bites!
A recent test game had one player firing a plasma-bolt-like weapon and
taking out the ship that fired it, one allied ship, and the enemy ship
he'd fired it at.
The best moment was when each player independently decided not to try to
knock it down with PDS because it would embarrass the other side so
much... :-)