Re: Linked scenarios for ECC next year?
From: devans@n...
Date: Mon, 21 Apr 2003 12:03:24 -0500
Subject: Re: Linked scenarios for ECC next year?
>Or you could make all the actions independent but they affect the final
>victory--"You lost the FT and FMAS, won the DS2 and SG games--your
>insurrection has temporarily succeeded but the Imperial forces have
>blockaded the planet."
I'm still hoping someone can work this thing into a set of scenerios for
metagame. For instance, multiple DS2 games could be individual battles
the opening of a campaign. 'X army corps is attacking Y army corps in
terrain. X commander choses this style offensive, Y this style of
Looking at the grid, there will be these battles. These are various
states depending on combinations of battle results.'
Hurts my head to think of the attempt; luckily, I've an out in that, as
vacc-head, I'm totally incompetent (snicker all you want; I meant for
describing DS2 battles). But, it would be a nice addition to the
assault generator I've dabbled with.
If anybody has any, including wild-a**, thoughts on this, would you ship
them to me as even beginning parameters?