Re: [OT] to cheer everyone up.....
From: glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2003 03:30:12 PST
Subject: Re: [OT] to cheer everyone up.....
On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 08:44:04 +0000 Ground Zero Games <>
>Nothing in there to worry anyone, Glenn - it's all humourous text,
>mild (and funny) - it's just that it has most of the male LotR
>"interested" in each other, if you get my drift (oh, and it's by a
Okay, this i just have to check out. LOL!
>Bridget Jones' Diary is a novel by a UK writer, became a movie a
>couple of
>years back with Hugh Grant and Renee Zellweger - you managed to miss
>the hype it got? ;-)
Oh yeah, the movie/book thing - actually I see about (not counting with
kids) about two movies a year. And, just to reveal a 'secret' dark
side' I used to shock some dear but incredibly uptight evangelical
brothers and sisters by saying (and it's true) that that "...those kinds
of movies don't appeal to me because casual, or formal, sex is not a
psectator sport..." accompanied by a wink.
I only have a TV in the house because the of DVDs and Videos of movies
and the kids/wife like Channel 9 - PBS - and that is monitored heavily.
I have mellowed in my old age though - I let the older girl watch, with
one of the parents, Touched by an Angel (theology is 'weak' but content
is acceptable) and 7th Heaven (I am hard pressed to find anything in
show I find unacceptably objectional) and [only because Mom approved it
first] Everwood (?) - (reruns that have been seen and approved are
cleared for solo watching.) the younger girl generally gets to watch
with them unless the subject seems 'marginal' for her age.
>It is the novel's unusual and funny diary style that's being parodied
>as it has in many, many other places.
>The "LotR secret diaries" are very funny even if you don't know BJD,
>just funnier still if you do....
>Just read and chuckle.... ;-)
>Jon (GZG)
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