Allow me to differ (the [OT] discussion) with Allan
From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Thu, 20 Mar 2003 10:34:29 -0500
Subject: Allow me to differ (the [OT] discussion) with Allan
Allan, whose PoV I respect, said:
Simple rule of thumb: if you have to label
your post "[OT]" then don't post it...
[Tomb] Let me explain my disagreement.
To my mind, anything not directly (ie
making explicit mention of something from
the setting or books) related to GZG
products is OT on this list, given its nature.
However, given the broad interest here in
military technologies, space science, etc.,
posting stories that relate to that (or better
yet, links so that people who don't want to
see the stories don't have to... just a short
link and it saves money/time for those who
either pay for their mail or who like me get
it over a slow dialup link) are in fact OT but
still of interest. Otherwise why have the OT
tag at all? If you never post anything OT,
there is no point in the tag. But by my
definition of OT, the material may be of
general interest to this group while still
being (in a strict sense) OT.
The real trick I think is to recall that this
list is of international character, includes
gamers of many religions, ethnicities (I
suspect, though it is a bit hard to know),
nationalities, political views (from left to
right and some we'd just call 'way out
there'), etc.
There is some small chance anything said
will cause a kefuffle. But there are other
matters which, if one takes a moment to
think about it, one just KNOWS will provoke
a heated response from someone.
Everyone has a right to express
themselves, but everyone should also have
been aware of the nature of the list before
joining (the nature of the list is identified in
a number of places including
ng_lists/gzg_mailing_lists.htm as a
reminder (the section on list ettiquette) ).
Given that, one chose to join this
community with that understanding, so it
sort of behooves one to observe that
nature or unsub.
This isn't about free speech, it is about
honouring an implicit agreement about the
nature of this forum made by subscription.
We aren't policed by the Gestapo and we
certainly don't use jackboots on dissenters.
But we generally, as a community, hope to
keep the list focused and not cause hurt
and mayhem.
This is *not* (IMO) a forum for *any* kind
of free speech, regardless of on what
subject or what sentiment it expresses. It
is a forum for discussion of GZG products
and sci-fi gaming and the occasional
related spin-off discussion. That's what you
sign up for, so why try to make it
something else?
Anyway, I've said more than enough given
the nature of the problem... *grin* ... and
the Narns shall punish me. Unlike some
Laserlights I can name, they're still
effective on me....
Mr. Thomas Barclay
Software Developer & Systems Analyst