1/72 Standing Ring
From: "Chan Faunce" <cfaunce@w...>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 09:28:06 -0500
Subject: 1/72 Standing Ring
Mike Hillsgrove's recent mention/suggestion/request for 25mm Stargate
me off on a web-search for one. I thought there was one out there, but
couldn't find it. So in the creative spirit of Germy (whom I will be
petitioning for net storage and downloading when finished) I present:
Please note that this is a rough first draft. I found that even using 90
weight paper the ring sagged. There are a couple of ways to sovle this.
1. layers (probably 3-5) of card stock glued together. (This would keep
part templates 'included' in the file when printed)
2. just having a front and back with a note that they would need to be
mounted to user supplied paperboard - what they make cereal boxes from.
3. just having a front and back with a note that they would need to be
mounted to foam core (as in the picture.)
The method affects the size of the slot it sits in.
The foam core method would provide the ring with more depth, but is
to cut out neatly. Also a seperate piece for the event horizon would sit
inside it more easily.
Layered card stock or paperboard would probably mean 2 rings, one with
one without event horizon.
As far as the base and ramp goes, These were textured with a stock
I'll probably include a second base that is just large enough to hold
elevate the ring, and a longer, shallower ramp with a tread plate
If anyone has any other comments or suggestions please feel free to
them out there.
Chan Faunce