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Re: [OT] Was 1/300th buildings now bit of a rant and 25mm buildings

From: glenn m wilson <triphibious@j...>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2003 03:09:36 PST
Subject: Re: [OT] Was 1/300th buildings now bit of a rant and 25mm buildings

On Thu, 27 Feb 2003 09:40:13 -0000 "Germ" <> writes:
>> Jeremy, thanks for such a cool site full of free
>> stuff! I downloaded all of the 25mm deckplans to
>> finally start working on an idea for Stalingradish
>> factory interior set-up I've been contemplating for
>> SG. Thanks for the inspiration.
>> Eric
>Thanks for that Eric, let me know how they work out. Pictures would be 
>I find it amazing how little feedback I have received from people over 

Okay, Let me correct this.  Your stuff is to be acknowledged as a strong
addition to war games resources.  Even though I seldom buy 25 mm figures
anymore I want to let you know that I am amazed at the paper buildings
you provide (for free even!) for war gamers.  I have downloaded most of
your 1/300th buildings	paper models.  The combination of not wanting to
print them with the old Citizen 120D printer I have at home, my never
having used paper terrain before - concerns about how to 'do' the models
adequately, and my general lack of time for hobby stuff the last few
years has kept me from using your excellent products.

>Oh I get lots of e-mails thanking me for making them free. But to date 
>I hve
>only seen
>one other picture where someone has made one of my models.

My 35 mm camera hasn't produced any pictures worth showing anyone of any
of the game I have taken pictures of - operator error obviously.  8^(

>Bit strange when the average file request for each of the models is 
>252 per
>The biggest hit to date was "Jon's Bar" which has been requested 2055 
>I made it available in November last year.
>Oh well I suppose no comment is better than lots of complaints.

Consider this slightly corrected.

>On the 25mm building front, I have thought about charging for them but 
>the end I thought
>sod it I'll make them free!

That should also be acknowledged as a very kind service you return to

>So as soon as I can PDF them I'll put them on the site and advertise 
>fact. I'll get pictures of them
>up at the same time.

Even though I'm predominantly a 6 mm guy I know I'll be tempted to tie
more storage with your 25 mm downloads (grin) because they are so much
better than anything I can produce.

>So watch this space.

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