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Re: Scale for SG

From: "Germ" <germ@g...>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 15:39:21 -0000
Subject: Re: Scale for SG

I had this conversation recently with someone.
They made a travel scrabble style board with magnetic pieces
for space hulk.

Hmmm my mind is now going into overdrive on the idea of a pocket
wargame :)
Oh no something else to add to my list of projects!


----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 18, 2003 3:28 PM
Subject: RE: Scale for SG

> >Actually, a friend and I at one time used GW epic minis to build and
> >40K battles!  The table for playing on is like 1'x1' roughly and the
> terrain
> >was easy to make!
> Again, somewhere lost in the annals of archives, I once mentioned the
> of taking Epic figs, hole-punching adhesive plastic magnetic material,
> sticking the dots on the bottom of marine and 'stealer figs, painting
> corridors on a sheet of metal (square, flat cookie tins seemed ideal),
> make Space Hulk, the travelling edition! I think somebody tried it...
> I've some Pop-a-matic dice to make the set complete.
> The_Beast

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