Re: NOOOOOOooooooo!!!! Re: What scale?
From: "Mike Hillsgrove" <mikeah@c...>
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 01:07:26 -0500
Subject: Re: NOOOOOOooooooo!!!! Re: What scale?
> Not really. Where other folks use 25mm and 1"=2 meters, I use 15mm
and 1"=3 meters. Works just fine.
In my case, the case was the fact that I have a bunch of painted ones
already. I've got soooo much stuff to paint I could quit my job and just
paint for the next year. And yes, normally I always prefer 15's. 25's
too hard to paint. They take just too much shading and detail.
Mikes Short List of Painting Projects
1) Narn Fleet for next weeks club game (mostly done, enough for battle)
2) Earth Allience Fleet for next weks game (Note: Enough are done for
3) Pirates for a Wild West campaign game. (Okay, so it isn't exactly
Gunsmoke) I'm doing them Pillaging
4) Early Imperial Roman Army (About 300 figures)
5) Austrian Generals (Just a couple)
6) AWI Indians and Militia. Nasty nasty warfare
7) ACW for Fire and Fury. I'm not reforming my JR stuff.
8) Finish the WWII stuff, it's 15mm and should work well the SGII
9) New NAC Fleet that should arrive this week.
10) Bits and pieces for the Celts, Carthaginians, and Amazons - you
11) Peasents - I need them for my "Peasents are Revolting" scenario.
I'm considering some 25mm Fantasy Egyptians for a StarGrunt thing,
some Chinese Laundry workers (some Tong and maybe even a ShaoLin Monk
the aformention Historical Wild West campaign).
On hold is the Cave men, until someone rules if Prehistoric can be
lumped in
with Historic Ancient gaming (preancients?)