FT Points: Cinematic and Vector
From: Brian Bilderback <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2003 15:30:52 -0800 (PST)
Subject: FT Points: Cinematic and Vector
--- Eric Foley <stiltman@teleport.com> wrote:
> Vector just doesn't interest me. The design rules
> were originally put
> together for a cinematic setting, and break in a
> great many ways when you go
> to vector. Call me selfish, but I'd rather not see
> the point system and the
> anti-fighter rules twisted like balloon animals in
> order to cure problems
> that crop up primarily in vector and aren't even
> particularly bad issues in
> cinematic.
This is the reason I asked the question as to whether
the movement system had any bearing on the accuracy of
the points system. Since it seems the answer is yes,
maybe the answer is, I hate to say it, two separate
point systems -- one for Vector, one for Cinematic.
If so, any discussions of what is or isn't broken in
the point system, how broken said is, etc., could be
discussed within the context of the specific movement
system. FB designs wouldn't have to be changed much
if at all, you'd just have 2 point values for each: C
and V. Plus, an added bonus would be that if a thread
was specifically about Vector, Mr. Foley could ignore
it. Or vice versa. ;-)
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