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Re: Space Master Starship Construction

From: Corey Saltiel <corey@a...>
Date: Sun, 9 Feb 2003 18:46:07 -0800
Subject: Re: Space Master Starship Construction

On Sunday 09 February 2003 05:04 pm, Joe Ross wrote:
> <Flak Vest>
> Anyone still have the old SpaceMaster SpaceLaw starship construction
> anymore? I remember them being VERY detailed, and having lots of
> interesting facets.. Maybe I could use them to spark some ideas in
> Joe
> </Flack Vest>

ICE are still alive, is this the manual you're looking for:;jsessionid=as138QAFA896?itemId=515

BTRC have a product that may be worth checking out also ( I've never
looked at 
it, but CORPS is a good rpg system, and 3G3 is pretty damned detailed,
so I 
imagine that this Vehicle Design System should also be pretty cool ),
it out:

CORPS VDS ( Vehicle Design System ):

Anyhow - 


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