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Re: (fwd) Re: [FT] F***ters [was: Operational game]

From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@h...>
Date: Thu, 06 Feb 2003 11:02:31 -0600
Subject: Re: (fwd) Re: [FT] F***ters [was: Operational game]

On Fri, 7 Feb 2003 00:39:37 +1100, Hugh Fisher <>

> Salvo missiles seem to have much the same characteristics,
> although presumably if I search the archive I'll find grumbles
> about them too? 

Salvo missiles blow up in a specific location. When they first came out
thought they were unbeatable... and then players started getting good at
avoiding them. You can also use "Banzai Jammers" (the unfortunately
"BJs"). These are simply small ships that you use to screen your big
Since salvo missiles target the closest ship, they'll tend to target the
They'll destroy the BJs, but usually with massive overkill, which means
shots and the big ships are all untouched. You have to take out the BJs
which allows the other side's bigger ships to take on your salvo missile

> Isn't a certain amount of non-linearity unavoidable, or even
> to be expected? One big ship seems to beat up two or more
> smaller ships, even if the points values are nominally the
> same.

That's _another_ issue. Yes, small ships are less effective than the
equivalent cost in big ships. Oerjan has a calculation that allows you
to get
a more realistic point calculation for smaller ships. The problem is
that it's
hard to come up with a simple point system that works without requiring
use of a calculator.

Allan Goodall

"We come into the world and take our chances
 Fate is just the weight of circumstances
 That's the way that Lady Luck dances
 Roll the bones." - N. Peart

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