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RE: [semi-OT] Fuel Cells was: Space Programs (warning future hist ory comments may arise.... ;))

From: Foxx Travis <lordkalvin2002@y...>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 14:39:14 -0800 (PST)
Subject: RE: [semi-OT] Fuel Cells was: Space Programs (warning future hist ory comments may arise.... ;))

<<Therefore, *IF* you're going to
> go with official history, I'd suggest that you
> either
> A) have the US slip as a result of shortages BEFORE
> the technology saves the day, or B) Find someo ther
> cause of the US fall.>>

How about: Arab factions, threatened by loss of
bargaining power due to introduction of fuel cells in
autos, etc., conduct a first strike with weapons of
mass destruction, causing the downfall of civilzation
as we know it?!

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