Re: [FT] Operational game
From: Brian Bilderback <greywanderer987@y...>
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 17:05:47 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [FT] Operational game
--- Laserlight <> wrote:
> > use double-blind games, referees, etc., as well as
> > multiple objectives for both sides.
> I'd like the result to be usable as a two player
> game.
You can still pull off a certain amount of
uncertainty, especially if both sides are defending
multiple systems. Do it using the Battletech concept
of requiring FTL travel to terminate a minimum
distance from a star (gravity well, debris, whatever
PSB you want to use to justify it), and requiring
sub-C travel from that point in, or from the system
out TO that point. Then you say that when a ship or
fleet jumps in-system, within that range, long-range
sensors can detect their arrival, but not their
identity. That point is too far out for long range
sensors, and too widely dispersed for sufficient
coverage by drone probes. So you have to send a scout
out to reconnoiter. In the game, that means that
you're told by your oponnent when something of his has
arrived, but not what or how much. You can dispatch
units from that system immediately, and you can summon
from other systems, but it will take them time, and
you don't know how much you'll need. If you luanch
immediately, you may be committing your main force
against a feint. If you wait for accurate intel, the
longer you wait, the less time you have to react.
some sort of ratio or chart for recon time to reaction
time could be formulated.
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