Re: [Service] Ranks and Designations
From: s666@f...
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 2003 13:05:57 -0700 (MST)
Subject: Re: [Service] Ranks and Designations
On Wed, 15 Jan 2003, Thomas Barclay wrote:
> Not that anyone would notice (*grin*) but the
> Canadian Forces (the Army Part) uses:
> Private
> Corporal
> Master Corporal
> Sergeant
> Warrant Officer
> Master Warrant Officer
> Chief Warrant Officer
And just for that extra bit of colour, the Army has different names for
some ranks based on branch of service.
i.e. A Private in the Armoured Corps is a Trooper while a Private in the
Artillery is a Gunner. Corporals in the Artillery are Bombadiers.
An additional note, Bombadiers and Master Bombadiers don't like to be
referred to as corporals by people incapable of seeing the Artillery
on their berets. Makes life interesting on a basic training course when
individuals of both types are around.
> Of course, I find it interesting that you get
> Lieutenant Generals in some armies, Colonel
> General's, and a few other flavours and some
> use Stars and others just have Brigadier without
> referring to Brigadier General. Brass hats are
> all the same pretty much though AFAICS. And of
> course some nations address Warrant holders
> as "Sir" and D.I.s as "Sir" whereas I was
> explicitly told I'd get my ass kicked if I did so.
> (and that's a cleaned up version of the actual
> instruction).
CF Master Warrant Officers and Chief Warrant Officers can be referred to
as "Sir" or by their appointment (Sargeant Major, RSM, etc.) Some prefer
one form of address over the other and usually let you know in no
uncertain terms if you get it wrong.
> FYI, the following are Canadian Appointments
> (as opposed to ranks):
> Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer
> Command Chief Warrant Officer
> Chief Warrant Officer of a higher formation
> Base Chief Warrant Officer
> Trumpet Major or Bugle Major
> Drum Major
> Pipe Major
> Most of this and other interesting stuff about
> the minute and underfunded CF can be found at
> Tomb Raider
> Once-upon-a-time R031 Infanteer
Sean Dzafovic
ex R011 Armoured Crewman