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Re: Hull Size fix

From: Oerjan Ohlson <oerjan.ohlson@t...>
Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2002 19:26:37 +0100
Subject: Re: Hull Size fix

Tim Bancroft wrote:

>Thanks for the pointer to the hull size thread: good stuff.  Derk
>Groeneveld comment's re watching over systems with smaller vessels is
>cruical as are David Griffin comments re small ships getting out of the
>way.  Interestingly, this matches with Age-of-sail uses of cruiser
>communication/travel seems very similar, as well as the "honourable"
>of not firing on low-rate ships unless they're threatening you.

The hull size fix isn't necessary if you play campaigns, since that's
all the small-ship tasks appear - patrol duties, convoy escorting,
ahead of the battle fleet etc.

It is only in one-off battles where the hull size fix is needed, and
then it is only really needed if you want to give the players a reason
bring any small ships to the battle instead of pouring all their points 
into one or a few gigantic capital ships. Historically, of course, small

wet-navy ships tended to stay out of battles between capital ships if
had a chance :-/

>Whilst there appears to be an issue given the hull size costs, in that
>bigger ships seem to pay less _proportionally_ per weapon system than
>smaller ships*

Er, no. Bigger ships pay *exactly the same* per weapon system than
ships do,  but for several reasons they get *more use* out of said
before being destroyed than the small ships do.

>*(e.g. assume a B3-2arc of 5 MASS and 15 points: the actual NPV cost
>being able to fit that weapon is 5 PLUS the 15 cost of weapon consuming
>that space (20 pts)).

No, the actual NPV cost for being able to fit that weapon is:
5 for the basic hull structure
15 for the cost of the weapon
2*5*(1/(1-(0.1+Thrust/20))-1) for the engines propelling the weapon
normal- and hyper-space respectively (assuming human-style engines and
FTL-capable ship; Kra'Vak ships pay more, system defence boats pay
less), and
1*5*(1/(1-(0.1+Thrust/20))-1) for the hull structure containing those

For an FTL-capable thrust-4 ship, this adds up to a grand total of 26-27

pts depending a on how the overall fractions get rounded. For a thrust-6

ship it is 30 pts, etc. :-/



"Life is like a sewer.
  What you get out of it, depends on what you put into it."

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