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Paint stripping

From: "Thomas Barclay" <kaladorn@m...>
Date: Tue, 3 Dec 2002 03:41:51 -0500
Subject: Paint stripping

Here is an interesting sight. It makes some 
interesting points about paint stripping:

Specifically, he tried a bunch of models made of 
styrene and different strippers. And some of 
the surface effects sound not desireable 
(dulling) in some cases. 

Additionally, I saw a commentary elsewhere 
(The link Chris sent me)
and this link talked about the problems with 
leaving minis soaking in the various fluids (some 
interesting effects after prolonged exposure on 
the white metal figures including the hardening 
of the little remaining paint after long term 
immersion in brake fluid)

Additionally, the GW figures are some type of 
styrene FWIW. I don't know what armourcast 
uses for Resin, but they say you can strip the 
paint off it using anything that will strip styrene, 
as the resin is less solvent vulnerable. I assume 
DLDs resin is perhaps something on the same 
order? David, care to chip in with a comment 
or do I have to chase you down? (God knows, I 
might have to strip some of my Kamodos or 
Civets one day). 

I think, in order, we have:
1. Floquil Easy Lift Off
2. Castrol Super Clean
3. Simple Green
4. Brake Fluid
5. Pine Sol 

Note the pine sol will apparently damage some 
types of surface.... though what particular 
plastics or resins this affects I'm unsure. 

Since this is a little longer term project (I only 
have about 500 unpainted GZG figs, so 
worrying about repainting the painted 200 is 
silly), I will post the results I obtain on I'll try to attempt several of these 
methods on older lead figures (from the 
Grenadier lines), Ral Partha Battletech 
Troopers, some future warriors (complete with 
plastic slottabases), and some of my 
armourcast and epicast resins as well. And my 
styrene Genestealers. All that ought to generate 
some reasonable empirical data. 

Thomas Barclay
Co-Creator of 
Stargrunt II and Dirtside II game site

No Battle Plan Survives Contact With Dice.
-- Mark 'Indy' Kochte

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