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Re: Mixed combat units

From: Noam Izenberg <noam.izenberg@j...>
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2002 08:21:40 -0500
Subject: Re: Mixed combat units

>> I am sceptical about the New Israeli and Islamic Federations (are 
>> there
> any female IF figures?) employment of female troopers. Partly on 
> Religious
> grounds (Particularly IF)
>> ... I guess it depends how fundimentalist you see these
> nations, I haven't really thought about the IF, but I see NI as a very
> insular possibly even pre-rabinic style Jewish state. 100% Kosha (sp?)

> etc.


It depends how you build New Israel. I have them very different than 
you envision. The state is perhaps more traditionally religious, but in 
a modern Israeli sense rather than an Eastern European sense. You can 
see my version of New Israel at nift.firedrake,org/NIhome.htm . Very 
much a modern state. The dominant culture is nationalist and modernist 
rather than regressionist. Women are equal as they want to be in all 
facets of the armed forces, probably fewer of them desire frontline 
combat positions, but if the spirit is there, there is no restriction. 
I see many women in command positions - grunt and fleet. The way I've 
developed New Israel, they are in fact closer allies to the core worlds 
and the UN than the Big Four at the height of the Xeno War, due in part 
to proximity to the core. The ironies of (future) History.

My New Israel pages do need some updating, but mostly in the fleet 
design areas. I like the core society a great deal.

I, Brazen Gnome   (Noam Izenberg)

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