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Re: Mixed combat units, etc.

From: KH.Ranitzsch@t... (K.H.Ranitzsch)
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 2002 07:32:54 +0100
Subject: Re: Mixed combat units, etc.

----- Original Message -----
From: <>

> Mixed Units:
> I can see the following allowing/using mixed units:

> FCT (that's the F in Free)

Hmm... Probably the Californian units, but the Texans ?

> I can see the following not allowing/using mixed units:
> IF

My take, too, at least for the regular units. Mercenaries and militas
may be
different, though (see	some recent guerilla forces)


There are female PAU figures. For historical precedent, see the Dahomey

> Don't have any idea for:
> Swiss
> KNG (Dutch)
> ScanFed

I guess these would have female and or mixed units - a development from
present attitudes.

Karl Heinz

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