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Re: The FT scale (was Re: The F Scale)

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Tue, 17 Sep 2002 15:41:06 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: The FT scale (was Re: The F Scale)

--- Ryan Gill <> wrote:

> >Your rifle jams just as you're about to go into
> battle, do you:
> >
> >A. Mutter about "lowest bids" and fix your bayonet.
> >B. Follow the instructions in field repair manual,
> section 23b.
> >C. Take it as a sign that you should try to find
> somewhere safe to
> >wait out the battle.
> >D. Keep quiet in case the sergeant blames you.
> E. Carry out the immediate action drill and continue
> whipping FSE arse.

F (Japanese): Smile, because you never liked firearms
anyway.  Draw your sword and charge.
G (UN): Hold a committee meeting to figure out what to
H (Swiss):  What is this word, 'Jam'?
I (NI): Don't sweat it, because you've got more.
J (FCT): Break out the shotgun.
K (LLAR): No big deal.	It's not like you could afford
bullets, anyway.


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