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Re: [FH] Website postings

From: Adrian Johnson <adrian.johnson@s...>
Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 00:11:42 -0400
Subject: Re: [FH] Website postings

I had a peek at the Turing Republic article.  Neat stuff - good on you

Laserlight, just FYI, there are a few "Turning" vs. "Turing" typos.

I like your website.  It's growing fast, and it's easy to read!  Good on
you too :)

>Date: Sat, 24 Aug 2002 15:59:11 -0400
>From: "Laserlight" <>
>Subject: [FH] Website postings
>Tom Barclay's article on the Turning Republic is now linked from
>as well as summaries for Jack Old Ron, The Planet of the Geeks, and
>the ITT products list I posted yesterday
>In addition, for those who can't get at the Excel file online (or who
>just prefer a 6K download instead of 33K), I've linked a Zip file of
>the spreadsheet from


Adrian Johnson

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