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Re: [SG] meets [RL]

From: "Germ" <germ@g...>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 09:39:17 +0100
Subject: Re: [SG] meets [RL]

> > What about a bucket of water. Do you think they
> > water proofed the robot.
> > Afterall desert conditions and all that :)
> Ummm. . . if you've had the robot dunked in a bucket
> of water, the robot has now located the enemy and
> prevented an ambush.	IOW, it's 'made it's points'.
> John

I cannot believe you just fell for the bucket of water balanced
on the top of the door trick! :)

On another point, is there still a reluctance to allow the robot
to operate any weaponry its self?
I know people get very nervous about giving machines weapons.

I've seen documentation for tripod mounted anti-tank weapons
which have a sensor that will fire the weapon if anything passes
Sort of thing you place in a bush at the side of a road.
Lots of concerns about friendly fire though.


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