Re: Original post on [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] Another SG2 squad question
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Sun, 28 Jul 2002 09:16:03 -0400
Subject: Re: Original post on [Stargrunt-Fullthrust] Another SG2 squad question
> --- Glenn M Wilson <> wrote:
> > The alpha test version 0.1 of the PHR squad is:
> > SL - SMG/MP
> > ASL and political NCO - Assault Shotgun
> > 2 x Grenadiers - LT AR with underslung GL
> > 6 x Soldiers - said LT AR
John A replied:
> Your odds of creating casualties are slim to none.
> d12 and quality dice. Gotta beat cover die on both to kill someone.
Assuming I wrote the spreadsheet expressions correctly:
4 6 8 10
4 37.50% 25.00% 18.75% 15.00% 12.50%
6 58.33% 41.67% 31.25% 25.00% 20.83%
8 68.75% 56.25% 43.75% 35.00% 29.17%
10 75.00% 65.00% 55.00% 45.00% 37.50%
12 79.17% 70.83% 62.50% 54.17% 45.83%
The probability of the attacker's die (down the column) beating the
defender's die (across the row)--so if A is a 6 and D is a 10, we see
that A has a 25% chance of beating D.
Let's say D has a d8 to defend. Let's say your squad quality is
Regular d8 and your FP is 12. Your chance of causing casualties is
.625 *.4375 = about 27%. Your chance to miss completely is
(1-.625)*(1-.4375)=~ 21%. Therefore you will suppress, but not cause
casualties, nearly 52% of the time.
Now let's say you add a support weapon, say a SAW with d10 firepower.
With three dice, there are eight combinations of what hits and what
misses. Your chances of completely missing drops to ~ 9.5%;
suppression only is ~35%; you will get hits over 55% of the time. So