Re: Modelling: How to remove epoxy
From: "John Crimmins" <johncrim@v...>
Date: Fri, 26 Jul 2002 21:16:08 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Re: Modelling: How to remove epoxy
On Fri, 26 Jul 2002 09:08:29 -0500, Allan Goodall <>
wrote :
> On Thu, 25 Jul 2002 12:28:15 -0400 (EDT), "John Crimmins"
> <> wrote:
> > Also, I hate seeing Lincoln's face staring up at me, reminding me
that my
> > troopers are all dead. Again.
> In TomB's case, it would be the queen! Or a bunch of maple leaves.
That's little better, I fear.
"Yes, they're pushing up daisies. I mean maple leaves."
> >Also agreed -- and I still use Epoxy, for when I want those
superstrong bonds.
> The problem with epoxy is that it deteriorates with age rather badly
> if you paint a model it seems to "lock it in" better and it doesn't
> deteriorate quite so quickly).
> I haven't found a problem with the strength of super glue. I don't
use the
> regular strength stuff, though. I use either Zap Gap filler (the green
> or Flash medium strength (gap filling) glue (also in a green bottle
I've got a number of painted Ogres, and I've found that the guns that
I've Epoxied into place are a lot less likely to come loose than the
Superglued ones. And if you can pin the joint as well, the epoxy and
pin make for a darned near unbreakable joint. I still use superglue
for joining things that aren't likely to be under a lot of stress,
> The other thing I like about super glue is the super glue accelerator.
> works particularly good with the gel. I glue my figures to washers,
then glue
> gel onto the washer around the figure's base. Before the glue sets
> before it runs off the base!) I spray it with accelerator. It's the
> I've found for filling in the area between the base and the washer.
I get overly elaborate, myself. I put a piece of tape across the top of
the washer, and then flip it over and fill the hole with white glue.
Let it
dry overnight, and the result is nice and strong. I then put the glue
on the washer, spreay accelerator on the miniature's base, and then
bring the two together. Darned near instant bond.
And then I texture it with Acryllic Gel Medium, and paint the sucker.
John Crimmins