From: DAWGFACE47@w...
Date: Thu, 4 Jul 2002 10:02:14 -0500 (CDT)
a system i have used for many years is simple and straight forward.
it will work for any terrain scale.
i take the BASIC MOVEMENT RATE, for men on foot, animals, vehicles and
flyers, then modify this by terrain and weather conditions, this is
the distance covered during a TURN.
next i define the TIME a turn consumes (usually a week, but i have used
longer TIME frames).
for a regional campaign, i draw up a map, and then make a clear template
that is scaled to represent an ACTUAL GAMING TABLE. thus when a
battle is due to be fought, i can lay the template out and find the
types of terrain i need to lay out in a flash. and t also tels me
exatly how far troops, vehicles, etc, travel during a BATTLE TURN.
all campaigns run into real life problems as players find the world
interferring with their gaming!
to try and lessen this, in recent years, i tend to run campaigns with
ALL GAMERS on the same side, and use dice generated enemy forces for
them to fight.
a gamer not involved as a player force in a particular area are then
given command of the dice generated enemy force.
the catch is, that BATTLEFIELD PERFORMANCE commanding both dice and
player forces, effects the way that the HIGH COMMAND allocates assets
to player commanders!
HIGH COMMAND is the GM, plus the variable number of CLOUT POINTS a
player amasses based on his/her battlefield performance!
roughly, CLOUT POINTS work like this;
a. a win is worth 1 point.
b. a draw is worth 0 point.
c. a loss is worth -1 point.
it is possible for a player to literally dig a hole and bury his self by
lousy battlefield performance (one poor guy had -10 CP at one point in
thus JOE (3 CP) and JOLENE 7 CP), and BOB (CP 4) are told the 500
points of wotzit are available for assignment. now JOLENE is the
definate leader unless JOE and BOB combine against her, and may still
come out ahead if she can convince one of them to add their CP to hers,
thus assuring the assets come under her command.
this will work with any number of commanders, and the GM ALWAYS HAS THE
FINAL SAY, so there is a final
arbiter if one is needed.
for guerilla warfare or rebellion, there is a pre game assigned number
that tells you if a region is pacified or active, and a simple dice
nothing really new here-mostly ideas borrowed from reading folks like
DONNY FEATHERSTONE, TONY BATH, etc, and ther smart gamers i have known
over the years.
it works,it is fun, it is simple.