Re: Away with ye, foul Chits of Doom!
From: Allan Goodall <agoodall@a...>
Date: Thu, 13 Jun 2002 10:27:41 -0500
Subject: Re: Away with ye, foul Chits of Doom!
On Thu, 13 Jun 2002 09:52:07 -0400 (EDT), Roger Books
>So how do you plan tracking which units have activated with these
>chitless paperless systems?
Good question!
The easiest way is with activation markers! In FT you place a marker
when a
ship has been fired ("activated") in combat. Do the same with SG2. Only,
keep up apperances, use small rocks. I bought a bag of landscaping
gravel from
Wal-Mart or Home Depot. It was something like $3 for 20 lbs of gravel.
In it,
I got big chunks I use as boulders. There are plenty of others that are
sized that could be used as activation markers (I have a big tub full of
useful rocks, and I _still_ have half a bag left!). Plop a rock beside
squad when it's activated, pull the rocks at the end of the turn. Just
sure the rocks are "noticable" with regard to the rest of the terrain.
Here's another idea. Assuming you have some sort of marker on the table
these things, like the "rally point" base you put the leader figure in,
could always indicate one side of the base with a shrub or something.
shrub, facing "north" (pick a table edge) is unactivated, rotated 180
is activated.
You could do the same with figure facing. If the leader is facing
it's unactivated, if facing south then the squad has been activated. The
problem with this is that we all know figures get knocked over. It's a
harder to rotate a base.
Allan Goodall
"At long last, the earthy soil of the typical,
unimaginable mortician was revealed!"
- from the Random H.P. Lovecraft Story Generator: