From: DAWGFACE47@w...
Date: Tue, 11 Jun 2002 08:03:37 -0500 (CDT)
I realize that i am very probably in the minority on this one, but:
if i had to make a choice as GM / player between time-honored drop
capsules, or drop pods, ablative re-entry rigs ( see TRAVELLER RPG for
the exact distinction between this and ablative capsules and pods),
assault landers, and gaming fun ;
OR gritty hard science do the math with a caluclator and worry about
that decimal point style of play, FORGET IT!
I am off to have fun-first, last, always!
i am quite happy knowing that when the patrol corvette or wotever
class of ship enters orbit, that the drop caps containing MINIME, other
troops, vehicles, decoys, etc, are FIRED at the planet's surface
and the the occupants will arrive on or near the target after an
ablative re-entry and then a final parachute, parawing, rocket pack ,
or grav pack trip to the LZ.
i can also handle the idea of assault landers carrying troops and
vehicles to the surface from orbit in the sci-fi version of a WW II
amphibious assault or RVN air assault.
i can live with dicing for scatter, malfunctions, enemy defensive
fires, wotever, it takes to get MINIME on the ground and into the
tabletop fight, vaped, or splattered across the surface of the LZ.
anything to push lead, pewter, plastic and toss them dice!