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Re: [FH] americas

From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@q...>
Date: Fri, 7 Jun 2002 19:04:08 -0400
Subject: Re: [FH] americas

> I think the flash point where religion is concerned would be with a
> between religion and science. Religion, per se, won't do it.

The clash between secular humanism and conservative Christianity has
been a major tension point for years.  Imagine a Christian revival
taking place simultaneously with a surge in voodoo.  Now imagine gangs
of black vodun adherents in the inner city sacrificing members of,
say, a neighboring Hispanic community (remember the secene from
Predator?).  A revived KKK breaking out the sheets and shotguns.   And
so forth. Yuck.

> True, unless someone decides to put gun control into the
constitution (i.e.
> take out the... uh... 4th ammendment? I'm not sure which it is).

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