From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Wed, 29 May 2002 17:01:49 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: [DS/SG] FSE
Indy schrieb:
> I have always been bothered by how 90+% of the [more
> vocal] people look at the FSE as a French-only group, so I decided to
> this perception (in FT at least) by giving my FSE ships parent
> designations (my basic paint scheme is a light grey with the parent
> country's flag colors painted diagnolly across the ship). I've wanted
to do
> something in the DS/SG levels, too, but figured they would be
> enough that they would use essentially the same sets of armour,
> weapons, etc, and camo patterns would be situation dependent.
You could at least differentiate them by unit badges and name tags.
Especially in 6 mm ;-)