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[GZG WCC] GZG West Coast Con looking for a venue ...

From: "Ted Arlauskas" <ted@n...>
Date: Fri, 24 May 2002 12:56:02 -0700
Subject: [GZG WCC] GZG West Coast Con looking for a venue ...

The Good News: The GZG West Coast Con will happen again,
later this year from the 27th to the 29th of September
in the SF Bay Area.

The Bad News: We don't have a venue for the con yet.

The hotel where it was held before has doubled (!)
their rates.  We're not making any money with this con
and the cheapest hotel/meeting space will win.

Does anyone know of a reasonably priced hotel or other
meeting space in the Bay Area?	I live in LA so my
finger's not exactly "on the pulse" of the hotel
industry in that area.	I plan a couple of recon 
missions up North to price out spaces but any help
would be appreciated.

What I'm looking for: 
	- 1200 square foot meeting space with tables/chairs
	- access to meeting space until 1am
	- low price (we paid $200/day for the GZG WCC 1 room)
	- centrally located in the Bay Area

[GZGWCC 2 Web Page]


[AIM]  TArlauskas

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