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From: JRebori682@a...
Date: Mon, 20 May 2002 21:28:04 EDT
Subject: Re: MURPHY AT WAR

> > > I  am curious. just how may different things can the list come up
> with
> > > that  would be useful for "shit happens!" events during  an
> operations
> > > or an acutaul fight  between armed  combatants;

My charts and your maps dont agree on where the landmarks are. We
discover it 
when my heavy NGFS mission lands where you dont expect/want it

Charts are wrong about close in depth. I end up aground and an excellent

target for counter-battery. 

Halfway through your request for NGFS the radios stop communicating. Do
fire on what I have or spend time reacquiring your RT?

Pilot thinks he knows how to read a map. Hasn't had his compass

John Rebori ETN2 (Discharged)
USN 1976 - 1982
ex-USS Pegasus PHM-1

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