ESU Desantniki
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 16 May 2002 18:21:09 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: ESU Desantniki
Well, I promised this a while back, but Real Life
interfered in the form of a quick AVLB Cert field
problem. We made the front page of the Texas Life
section of the Kileen Herald (quotes from a guy in my
squad, picture of a SGT from B Company hooking up
hydraulic lines on a bridge), which beats 1-7 Cav
which made the front page of the Kileen Herald and
caused my aunt to flip out and call me asking if I
were alive. That was actually on the next range
over--we sat around yesterday wondering why all the
emergency vehicles were driving around. For those who
aren't close enough to Ft Hood to hear about this (I
have no idea how much play this is getting in
national-level media), a 19-year old PV2 M1A1 driver
got burned to death in a vehicle fire yesterday. No
one knows how or why it caught fire--and the kid's
parents still havn't been notified, or his name would
be released by now.
Kyrie Eleison.
But anyway: All this stuff has Russian-style
designations. I don't understand Chinese designations
even superficially and frankly am not terribly
interested in them. Yes, I know Russian airborne are
IFV-mounted. That's my next project, a regiment of an
Airborne Division in IFVs. After that, seperate and
divisional Motorized Rifle Regiments and Tank
Regiments, then maybe Chinese-style motorized
regiments and light infantry. This thing is a bit
more work than I was planning on from the get-go, is
anyone else terribly interested in this or should I
stick to my (mostly completed) Romans in Space? Also,
should I stick to SGII organizations, or should I also
put together the DSII organization, or should I do
DSII only?
Eurasian Solar Union Guards Airborne Regiments are
fairly well distributed among the ESU colonies,
serving both as standard light infantry and in the
airborne role. Airborne Regiments also spearhead many
planetary assaults.
Those Airborne Regiments which are part of Airborne
Divisions are generally IFV-mounted and typically are
used as spearhead forces for assaults. They have a
different organization from that listed below.
Non-airborne trained regiments with a simillar
organization are generally referred to as Rifle
Regiments and are second-line forces.
Usually when powered armor is available it is grouped
together in 1 of the battalions which is then used as
the main assault element.
Brigade Assets are summarized with major end items
listed, as are battalion support elements.
SA-25 Golem: GMS/P/AA/Enh
ZU-30: Towed Basic ADS
Trucks: Size 1 (Util, Ambulance, Chemical Recon), Size
2 (Light), Size 3 (Medium, POL), Armor 0, Fast GEV,
AT-21 Sideline: Groundmount GMS/H/Enh
AGS-22: Automatic 20mm Grenade Launcher, FPd12, Imp
AT-22 Stanford: GMS/L/Enh
PK-90: FP d8 (d10 with AG), Imp d10
Independant Guards Airborne Regiment:
Brigade Headquarters
3xAirborne Battalions (0-1 are Powered Armored)
Howitzer Battalion (18xTowed Medium Artillery,
18xSA-25, 14xMedium Trucks, 34xLight Trucks, 5xUtility
Trucks, 2xPOL Trucks, 1xMaintence Van, 4xSignal Vans,
ADA Battery (12xSA-25 Golem, 6xZU-30, 1xTruck, Utility
10xTruck, Light)
Recon Company (10xLight Trucks)
AT Battery (9xDFFG-1 [Groundmount], 12xAT-21 Sideline,
1xUtility Truck, 12xLight Trucks)
Engineer Company (18 Light Trucks, 1 Utility Truck, 10
Airdroppable Bridges, 4xFlamethrowers, 6xDemolition
Sets, 2xMine Detectors, 1xTrailer POL, 1xWater
Chemical Defense Platoon (4xChemical Recon Trucks)
Material Suport Company (8 Medium Trucks, 38 Light
Trucks, 1 Utility Truck, 16 Trailers)
Parachute Rigging and Resupply (1 Utility Truck, 30
Light Trucks, 31 Medium Trucks, 12 Fuelers, 20
Medical Platoon (2 Light Trucks, 4 Ambulances)
Airborne Battalion
Battalion Headquarters: 4xOfficers with PM50, 4xEM
w/KI-72, 2xEM with SA-25 and PM50
Mortar Battery: 8x82mm RAM Mortars (Very Light
Artillery), 15xPM50, 54xKI-72, 3xRPG-30, 9xUtility
SAM Platoon:
HQ: Platoon Leader with PM50
3xSqd: 3xGunners with SA-25, PM50, 3xAG with KI-72,
1xDriver with KI-72, 1xLight Truck
Automatic Grenade Launcher Platoon:
HQ: Platoon Leader with PM50
3xSqd: Squad Leader with KI-72, Senior Rifleman with
KI-72 and IAVR, 2xGrenadiers with AGS-22, PM50,
4xAssistant Grenadiers with KI-72, Driver with KI-72,
Light Truck
Antitank Platoon:
HQ PL with PM50, APL with K-72
3xDFFG Sections: 1xGroundmount DFFG-1 with Enh
FiCon, 3 crewmen with KI-72
3xMissle Sections:
2xTeams: 1xgroundmount AT-21 Sideline, 3 crewmen
with KI-72
Transport Section: 5xLight Trucks, 5xDrivers with
Notes on AT Platoon: PL and APL ride in extra seats in
section trucks. Each truck in transport section
carries 1 missle section or 1-2 DFFG sections. Senior
crewman in the section acts as section leader. AT
Platoon is rarely attached piecemeal to the various
companies, but is usually used to support the
batallion main effort.
Signal Platoon: 1xOfficer with PM50, 13xEM with KI-72,
1xUtility Truck, 1xLight Truck, 1xSignal Van
Service and Supply Platoon: 1xOfficer with PM50, 32xEM
with KI-72, 10xLight Trucks, 1xPOL Truck,
1xMaintinence Van, 1xAmbulance, 2xCargo Trailes,
1xGenerator Trailer, 3xKitchen Trailers, 3xPOL
Trailers, 2xWater Trailers
3xAirborne Companies:
Headquarters Section: Commander, Deputy Commander,
Logistical Officer (PM50), 1st Sergeant (KI-72)
EW Section: Squadleader (KI-72), 2xEW Techs (KI-72,
Enh EW Suites), 2xRiflemen (KI-72)
3xAirborne Platoons
Platoon Leader (PM-50)
3xSquads: Squad Leader (KI-72), Machinegunner
(RK-80), Senior Rifleman (KI-72), Sniper (Kalyev),
4xRifleman (KI-72) Squad additional weaponry
(normally carried by riflemen) 1xIAVR, 1xEncapsulated
Weapons Squad: Squadleader (KI-72),
3xMachinegunners (PK-90, PM50), 3xAssistant Gunners
(KI-72), 2xGrenadiers (RPG-30, PM50)
Antitank Platoon: Platoon Leader (PM50), 3xATGM
Gunners (AT-22 Stanford, PM50), 3xAssistant Gunners
(PM50), Driver (KI-72), Light Truck
Note: Typically each company has a SAM squad and AGL
squad attached, but the batallion commander may decide
to concentrate his assets instead. EW assets are
normally held at the company level. Senior Squad
leader is Assistant Platoon Leader. Weapons and AT
assets are normally held together for concentrated
Powered Armor Batallions are about the same structure.
Differences are listed below.
BN HQ: 10 Suits of Chen-Kunyang PA with KI-95, 2 also
carrying SA-25b
SAM PLT: 19 Suits Chen-Kunyang PA with KI-95, 9 also
carrying SA-25b. Truck upgrades to medium truck.
Platoon Leader (Chen-Kunyang with KI-95)
3xHeavy Weapons Squads: Squad Leader (Chen-Kunyang
with KI-95), Senior Rifleman (C-K, KI-95, AT-17),
2xGunners (C-K, VK-20), 2xAssistant Gunners (C-K,
KI-95), Driver (KI-95) Medium Truck
Batallion Antitank Platoon: 29 Suits of C-K equipping
everyone except the drivers. Trucks are now medium,
all PA troops carry KI-95.
Powered Armored Airborne Company:
Headquarters Section: Commander, Deputy Commander,
Logistical Officer, 1st Sergeant (C-K, KI-95)
EW Section: Squadleader (C-K, KI-95), 2xEW Techs
(C-K, KI-95, Enh EW Suites)
3xAirborne Platoons
Platoon Leader (C-K, KI-95)
3xSquads: Squad Leader (C-K, KI-95), Machinegunner
(C-K, RK-100), Senior Rifleman (C-K, KI-95), Sniper
(C-K, Kalyev), 4xRifleman (C-K, KI-95) Squad
additional weaponry (normally carried by riflemen)
1xIAVR, 1xEncapsulated Flamethrower
Weapons Squad: Squadleader (C-K, KI-95),
3xMachinegunners (C-K, KI-95), 2xAntitank Gunners
(C-K, AT-17)
Antitank Platoon: Platoon Leader (C-K, KI-95),
3xATGM Gunners (AT-22b Stanford, C-K), 3xAssistant
Gunners (C-K, KI-95), Driver (KI-72), Medium Truck
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