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RE: Fighters options please

From: "B Lin" <lin@r...>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 16:12:45 -0600
Subject: RE: Fighters options please

So basically I can front one squadron of fighters for every 66 points of

Most large capital ships are running 600+ BPV, or roughly 9+ squadrons
per capital ship.

Escorts are running 100-300 PBV so about 1.5 to 4.5 squadrons per ship.

Assuming 3.6 points of damage on average from a fully functional
squadron (one hit on a 4-5, two on a six, not counting re-rolls) most
ships will be destroyed in two turns to their equivalent cost in
fighters (i.e. a corvette of 80 NPV has about 7 hull and will be
destroyed in two turns by on squadron of fighters costing 66 NPV to

So if your fleet was comprised of 2000 points of ships, I could field 30
squadrons of fighters. If you took one large ship (say >800 NPV) that
leaves <1200 for escorting craft.  If they were all corvettes at ~100
each that's 12 ships.  So you have a total of 13 ships - I would
designage 12 squadrons to cover the corvettes, one each which will be
destroyed in two turns.  The remaining 18 squadrons would take out the
big guy.  On average the 18 squadrons will do 65 points per turn. Only
Super Dreads have enough points to survive a single turn and nothing
will survive two at that rate.	

If you choose to take larger ships (say 2, 1000 NPV ones) I simply split
the attacks into two 15 squadron groups which each do 54 points per
turn.  Again only Super Dreads will survive more than one turn.

Note that in most of these cases, it only took 1 turn to cripple/destroy
most of the ships.  Some small piddling guys are left if I can't fire
twice.	If limited to single anti-ship strike, I would draw one or two
squadrons to attack the larger guy to ensure it's destruction.	In
either case, the ships would be pretty crippled after taking 3-4
threshold checks in one turn.

As for tactics, the bubble carriers would launch while running parallel
to the opposing fleet while running at velocity 20 or so.  As long as
the carriers are able to stay below 24, the fighters will eventually
catch up.  Alternatively with a bubble carrier per squadron, you
disperse in all directions, allowing some of the carriers to rearm and
re-load their fighters and then they re-launch and attack again.  If you
only have one or two ships you can only chase down one or two carriers
at a time.

The problem is that FTL and drives are costed at a fixed rate, so there
is no points reason to have large bubble carriers, rather than
single-squadron carriers.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brian Bilderback []
> Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 3:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Fighters options please
> It's kinda moot that his fighters are empty if he has already 
> wiped all your 
> big guns off the table.
> Ok, how many fighters to how many big guns?

Excerpted from a previous post:

> From: []
> Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 10:39 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: Re: [FT] Fighters, - this time its not the balance
> argument!
> From: Chan Faunce
> >For those who havn't found this, I've listed the 'actual 
> cost' to bring
> fighters on the board:
> >
> As a couple other for-instances:
> Mass 15, 2 hull, MD2, FTL, 1 hanger =54 points + fighters = 72/1 = 72
> Mass 258, 26 hull. MD2, FTL, 20 hangers= 954 + fighters = 
> 1314/20= 65.7

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