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Re: Fighters options please

From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 22:17:58 +0100
Subject: Re: Fighters options please

On Thu, May 09, 2002 at 02:05:23PM -0700, Brian Bilderback wrote:
>Roger Books wrote:
>>Not to be a wet blanket, but the few squadrons on a BDN or SDN or
>>even less with this rule.
>Don't be so sure.  BDN's and SDN's will be closer in with the enemy
>CV's will.  That means their fighters will be launching from shorter 
>distances.  Therefore, under this rule, they would take less time to 
>return, rearm, and get back out there.  If they're used as defense,
>tangle with attacking fighters and slow down THEIR rearm rate.  It
>like it makes them MORE effective.

We need test games. :-)

Option 1: as standard rules but a turn in which the group attacks a ship
expends 3 CEF (as opposed to 1 at present).

Effect: an unintercepted group can make two attacks then limp home.
Anyone else just gets one. Does not blunt the first-strike power of a
soap-bubble group.

Option 2: as option 1, but fighters must expend a minimum of 1 CEF per
turn. (So either 3 or 4 would be expended in the ship-attack turn. I'd
go with 3.)

Effect: nobody gets two attacks without rearming. Has some effect in
reducing the soap-bubble group's power, but only if the groups can be
intercepted on the way in; may well not be sufficient to deal with the
perceived problem here.

I think this is a very interesting idea, but I'm not convinced that it
will deal with the perceived problems on its own.

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