RE: Re: Fighters
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Fri, 03 May 2002 12:18:50 -0700
Subject: RE: Re: Fighters
laserlight wrote:
>Well, there's a difference between "not optimized" and "not usable".
>ships in WW2 weren't optimized for combat but they still were useful.
True, but I haven't heard that the FB1 designs were useless, just
Would you play a WWII ship combat game that skewed the rules in favor of
Brit ships, or US ships, or any other power, rather than reflect the
of the day?
> >[free to change rules to suit yourself] is also true of a game set in
>Tuffleyverse, and I see no reason to change the rules to suit that
>That doesn't address tournaments, conventions, pickup games, or people
>like the background and/or don't like to tinker.
No, but neither does readjusting the rules to suit them serve anyone
very well. Perhaps a set of rules specific to the tuffleyverse would
make a
good supplement, or optional rules, but any changes to the core system
makes them integral would still be something I'd hate to see.
> >One option that someone mentioned is to allow PDS and ADFC to defend
>against multiple fighter groups. I'm starting to warm to that idea.
>Ah! Okay, so would you just say "PDS as is, but applies to all inbound
>attacks", or would you tweak anything?
I don't know. I didn't say I totally favor the idea or am espousing it
I haven't even fully considered it (haven't had time since I've been at
since it was mentioned), I just said I'm WARMING to it.
>Note that any changes need not be "standard", ie they could be just as
>optional as Wave Guns.
THAT is the best comment I've heard yet regarding them.
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