Re: FT: Carriers & Fighter Capacity
From: Edward Lipsett <translation@i...>
Date: Wed, 01 May 2002 13:15:55 +0900
Subject: Re: FT: Carriers & Fighter Capacity
Are you saying the rules are broken, or just that being swarmed by
is not good for ships without fighter defenses?
A surface navy squadron without air defense would be at a serious
disadvantage if attacked by a single carrier with a thousand (have to be
pretty big carrier, I suppose...) fighters from a long way away.
In a tactical game I can see where this type of result would piss you
but in real life (as much as real life has anything to do with Full
it means you forgot to provide sufficient cover for your assets.
If you HAD planned on being swarmed and designed for it, you would have
a good chance of taking out not only his fighters, but his carrier as
So in a strategic game this would merely be the first step in a
move-and-counter ladder of changing tactics.
On 30-Apr-02 at 22:28, Laserlight ( wrote:
> The value of fighters goes up in a non-linear way, ie the value of N
> squadrons is much greater than (N * value of 1 squadron). This is why
> it is very difficult to balance. Rules that work well for, say, a
> 3000pt fleet including 3 squadrons, don't work at all when the other
> side shows up with glass carriers holding 30 squadrons.
> This was a recent topic of discussion on the test list; a solution was
> proposed but not extensively tested yet, so at the moment it's
> unsolved. would you, O Wise Ones Of The List, deal with
> this?
Laws die, books never.
- Edward George Bulwer-Lytton
Edward Lipsett
Intercom, Ltd.
Fukuoka, Japan
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