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Brian's KV

From: "Tomb" <tomb@d...>
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 19:01:17 -0400
Subject: Brian's KV

1) In SG2, I gave KV grav rifles d12* impact. Even KV infantry menace
light armoured vehicles. The weapons are gravitic-based needlers
(gravguns). Humans don't like meeting my Kra'Vak on a 1:1 basis most of
the time.... (those vets of Grey Day and A Change of Orders may well
have some perspective on this....). 

2) I agree with Brian re: Juve/Warrior division. The Juve's are separate
precisely because they are more impulsive and more driven by their
biochemistry. The older (and wiser and less numerous) KV are the only
ones trusted with the heavier weapons (SAW/GMS/etc). 

3) Brian, the 25mm guys have GMS/P. 

4) KV TO&E is probably arranged on a per-clan basis (with a fair
corellation between clans). So differences such as no GMS/P are easily

5) I don't agree with Brian re: weaker Juve rifles. Why? Logistics for
one, but more importantly the older KV are _still_ threatened by the
weapons he has specified, so I'm not sure the reduction is that
meaningful. (YMMV!)

6) I think Shaken or Broken are good places to check for Ro'Kah. Though
I think if you go into Ro'Kah, perhaps its a bit like a last stand
roll.... maybe you don't make any more morale checks until you come out
of Ro'Kah (if you live that long).

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