Re: Battle blimps
From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Wed, 17 Apr 2002 11:29:17 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Re: Battle blimps schrieb:
> > And the blimp would be rather more
> > vulnerable than a 747 or A380 armed with an equivalent
> laser.
> Why?
- It's a bigger target
- It's slower and less maneuvrable
- The blimp can't be armoured because it has to be light
- Holes will (most likely) degrade it's performance more than an
equivalent hole on a jet - this depends on a fair amount of assumptions
about their construction, however.
Karl Heinz
PS. about the to-be-released Hindenburg mini. My comments about the
size were based on the AIRCRAFT mini-kit box. If they do it in the ship
mini-kit range, it could be up to about 20 cm long or roughly 1:1200