Re: painting - sponging (was: Re: [OT] a clarification of my comments to David (of DLD fame))
From: Indy <kochte@s...>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 14:04:05 -0400
Subject: Re: painting - sponging (was: Re: [OT] a clarification of my comments to David (of DLD fame))
Roger Books wrote:
> On 11-Apr-02 at 17:16, (
> > Stuart did green, brown, black --apparently he had a US or German
> > in mind but I don't know what it was--and took it from from primer
to usable
> in 5 minutes.
> I would be afraid I would achieve that marble affect I have been
> so hard to achieve in other places. I really don't want a marble
> looking tank.
Wal-Mart I noticed last week has a line of GI Joe "matchbox"-like
cars for cheap ($0.89 or something like that). Get some of those,
prime 'em, and practice? It's what I'm doing right now. Work out the
kinks of this technique (and find the right color combos ;-) before
I take on my *real* stuff. :-)
I really promise to take pics and post as soon as I'm able to. You
guys can then all shake your collective heads at my awesomely sad
paintsmanship. ;-)