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Re: [OT] a clarification of my comments to David (of DLD fame)

From: Randall L Joiner <rljoiner@m...>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 13:21:02 -0400
Subject: Re: [OT] a clarification of my comments to David (of DLD fame)

I tend to use them to prop odd shaped mini's up off of surfaces/what 
not.  Just stack on top of each-other until desired height is 
reached.  Makes mounting to stands in FT trivial, even for the most
balanced ship.

On a side note, on one of my ships, the glue apparently seeped down into

the sides of one pad, and my 3 year old knocked the table just right to 
cause a tumble.  The pads saved the ship from a 4 foot 
drop.  Fortuitous.  Also, same ship, the pads when removed left small 
pieces of themselve attached to the stand about 1/2 way between base and

ship.  They look like bits of asteroid, and so have been left on and 
painted for "neat" factor.


At 11:06 AM 4/12/02 -0400, you wrote:
>Katie Lauren Lucas wrote:
> > [using make-up sponges for painting]
> >
> > Personally, for things like this, I always used to use the synthetic

> foam stuff
> > that comes in blister-packs of minis. It has no other use once
> opened
> > the pack, and it's likely to be near at hand. :-)
>I keep a supply of these for padding for my minis when I store them in
>things other than gun cases. Not the absolute best, but they work.  :-)

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