RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points
From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 08:31:27 -0700
Subject: RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points
Ryan Gill wrote:
>The problem is that there are (According to Oerjan) three profiles.
>Low and straight, High and straight (just how much higher he can't
>say) and huge assed arcs. If you add additional profiles as based on
>launched from Aircraft (higher starting point in some cases) you get
>additional effects when it comes to ADS.
All of which could be simulated. How MUCH you'd want to differentiate
is a
matter of taste, but even merely giving one ADS modifier for
side-attack and another for both all air-launched attacks and top
would be a valid option.