Re: [SG] Hand-held grenade launcher ?
From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@y...>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 19:26:32 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [SG] Hand-held grenade launcher ?
--- "K.H.Ranitzsch" <> wrote:
> > The autoGLs listed in the SGII are
> > smaller caliber ones, like the planned 20mm one (I
> > forget designation) that's supposed to be the LMG
> > version of the OICW generation.
> Could that not have been intended as a heavier
> autogrenade launcher like the
> Russian 30 mm AGS-17 or a 37 mm/40 mm like the H&K
> Granatenmaschinengewehr ?
Could have been. YMMV. I was making that assumption
based on the GLs detailed in the SGII rulebook.
> A general question: When people state that
> such-and-such a SG weapon is
> comparable to the real-life XYZ, is this just a
> guess or do you have info
> that goes beyond what's in the rule book ?
Most of it's extrapolation, which is a fancy way of
saying "a guess". Jon is careful not to get involved.
> I guess it's plausible to give it unlimited
> ammunition in game terms ?
Well, given the length of the average SGII game, yes.
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