RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points
From: "Bell, Brian K (Contractor)" <Brian.Bell@d...>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 08:44:32 -0400
Subject: RE: [DS] Gently -- Capacity, Points
Gently, I would revise my previous posts:
I would like to see the following in the DS2 design system:
1) Tactical Points system.
TAC = Movement Points * Protection Points * Offense Points + Carring
Protection Points are a combination of Armor Points * the average of
Signature and (ECM + PDS)[round up].
Armor points are equal to points from all sides. Armor rating and cost
1:4, 2:6, 3:8, 4:10, 5:12. The points are totaled for all 6 sides of the
vehicle (Front, Left, Back, Right, Top, Bottom), then divided by 6
up). Reactive and ablative armor adds 2 to the point value per side it
Signature has the following point costs: 1:12, 2:10, 3:8, 4:6, 5:4
ECM has the following point costs: Basic:6, Enh:8, Sup:10
PDS has the following point costs: Basic:6, Enh:8, Sup:10
Offensive Points are equal to the FCS value * range band points *
strength points * Chit Validity points. Artillery is handled
differently. AP
weapons are handled differently.
FCS value is Basic:6, Enh:8, Sup:10
Range Band: Determine the range band by subtracting Medium Range from
Range. This should also match Medium Range - Close Range. For 1 range
weapons (i.e. GMS) Divide the maximum range by 3 to get the range band.
Range band points are: (upto) 4":4, 6":6, 8":8, 10":10, 12":12. Subtract
Range Band from the Close range; if the result is more than 1/2 the
band length, add 2 to the Range Band Points; if more than zero but less
1/2, add 1 to the Range Band Points. Artillery has a range band points
Weapon Strength: points by size, 1:4, 2:6, 3:8, 4:10, 5:12. Artillery
has a
strength rating of Light:12, Medium:18, Heavy:24 [accounts for 3
caught in blast radius due to unit coheriency].
Chit Validity: points by validity Allx2:12, All:10, Red+Yellow:8,
Red:6, Yellow or Green:4. Add anti-infantry rating (by chit validity) to
Chit validity points.
Movement points [change to DS2]: Divide maximum movement inches by 2
aerospace use 20 points). Then add by movement type: High Mobility
Wheeled &
GEV:1 Tracked, Walker:2 Grav:3, VTOL:3, Aerospace:4, Amphibious:1.
Carring Capacity: As listed in DS2.
2) Tuffleyverse-specific capacity limitations. If playing in the
Tuffleyverse, some constraints should be placed on the capacity of a
and the ammount of equipment, passengers, & cargo it can carry (i.e. no
MDC/5s on a skateboard). I would suggest a higher limit than is
used and do away with the maximum number of weapons rules.
3) Tuffleyverse-specific campaign points system. This would reflect
usage or economic issues within the tuffleyverse. This would be
good for campaigns.
Brian Bell