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[DS] Hidden units and detection, including Recon by Fire

From: "Brian Bilderback" <bbilderback@h...>
Date: Tue, 02 Apr 2002 12:29:16 -0800
Subject: [DS] Hidden units and detection, including Recon by Fire

OK, I think I've come up with some House Rules I like, anyone else want
give them consideration?

First of all, I want to make it a little harder in general to ID hidden 
units.	Just establishing LOS seems too easy.  After all, the
drones have LOS to them already.  But I'm going with the assumption that

hidden units are in some sort of obscuring terrain, and that the best
can do without removing the obscuring terrain is estsablish LOS to their

LOCATION, not the unit/element itself. But non-optical sensors SHOULD
help in ID'ing.  Thus, with the HR's, there are 4 ways to "unhide" a

1. Voluntary unhiding - unit moves or fires or takes other action.  Unit
immediately revealed (Should FO's be somewhat exempt from this for

2. unobscured contact - scouting unit comes close enough to the hidden
that the terrain no longer effectively obscures it (Enters the same 
buildings, trees, gully, etc.).  This is risky.

3. Sensor detection.  Roll vs the following table based on distance from
hidden placement marker:
Basic Firecon: 1D6
Enhanced Firecon:1D8
Superior Firecon:1D10
Shift up one die code for Veteran Troops, doqn 1 for green.  Target #
must beat is range in inches/effective signature of the least stealthy 
target element.

4.  Recon By Fire.  all elements in element must engage, to cover the
being beaten. scouting unit fires at the hidden unit marker as if it
were an 
element with a signature of 1 (To reflect luck as much as accuracy).  If
hit is scored, draw damage chits as if hitting a target, but ignore 
Immobilized and System Down/T chits.  System Down/F count as normal. 
chits mean 1 hidden element, chosen randomly, has been luckily hit. 
chits to resolve damage, and unit is revealed.	If no special chit is
add up valid damage chits.  This does not represent actual damage, but 
ferocity of fire as perceived by the target unit.  If the valid damage
enough that it would normally destroy any element in the hidden unit.
unit must pass a resolve check at a threat level of 1.	Failure of any 
element means the unit is revealed.



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