Re: [Paint] Magic Wash ink
From: Flak Magnet <flakmagnet72@y...>
Date: 02 Apr 2002 13:34:25 -0500
Subject: Re: [Paint] Magic Wash ink
Reading over your question more, I realized that I hadn't given you
anything you hadn't already heard. Duh. My mistake, sorry.
Unfortunately, that's really all there is to it. Perhaps describing
what "to taste" means in this context would be more helpful.
What you want is enough color so that as the magic wash is applied that
it darkens the areas in the recesses without making the raised areas
look dirty or too dark. (The point of a wash I guess.)
The colors you use can be whatever you want, and "whatever you want"
should be a color appropriate to the area you are applying the wash to.
If you're darkening a blue area, use a VERY dark blue for the wash, how
much you add will depend more on the paint you use and it's opacity. If
you're washing a green area, _sometimes_ brown is a good color to use,
as it doesn't distract from the green color but still provides the
shadows effectively.
If you have access to Vallejo paints there are those who swear by the
transparent colors, particularly "smoke". I haven't tried them, but it
makes sense, it would be fairly easy to wash with a transparent paint
versus an opaque one.
Hopefully that's more helpful than my initial response.
On Tue, 2002-04-02 at 13:25, Flak Magnet wrote:
> On a mini-painter list that I'm on, watering down with 3:1
> is recommended. Pigment/color is added to that mixture to taste
> depending on the effect you want the wash to have.
> --Flak
> On Tue, 2002-04-02 at 12:55, wrote:
> > When you're using Magic Wash (1 part Future Floor Wax, 4 parts water
IIRC) to stain and seal your minis, how much ink and what color do you
use? (I've gotten "as much as you like" and "add ink to taste" but
that's not really helpful)
> >
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> --Flak Magnet
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