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Re: FT: FTL Smorgasboard

From: Roger Books <books@j...>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 14:59:19 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: FT: FTL Smorgasboard

On 22-Mar-02 at 14:52, Brian Bilderback ( wrote:

> Most Science Fiction backgrounds takes one of these methods of FTL
> and base an entire naval & commerce culture on it.  Has anyone ever 
> cotemplated a fictional background where 2 or more of these different 
> methods are ALL available?	Each method has it's own particular 
> technological requirements, benefits, drawbacks, etc.  How would this 
> variety of choices be viewed by ship designers?  I'm guessing that
> different  methods might be attractive for ships designed for
> purposes  (Naval, commercial, private/luxury, pirates, raiders,
> etc.). 

Well, you can start with the HH Universe, where they have two methods
of FTL.  Warp points and shorter distance alternate place.  

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