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Re: Speaking of Kitbashing, was [DS] Dropships and Walking Drones and Guns

From: "Donogh McCarthy" <donoghmc@h...>
Date: Fri, 22 Mar 2002 16:40:41 +0000
Subject: Re: Speaking of Kitbashing, was [DS] Dropships and Walking Drones and Guns

>>Tell me that you used a plastic model
>>(not likely given that you filed it down)

>Sorry, the lead RP fig.


>There there, don't cry.  It wasn't a whole fig, it was just parts I
>in the local store's bits bin.

well that makes me feel slightly better *grin*

>>Well at least you didn't use a Marauder!

>Used to have one of those, gave it away.

That's perfectly reasonable
(they're getting fairly rare at this stage)

They both should make fairly excellent dropships though!
Any chance of seeing the final product?



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