Re: [SG] Walking Drones and Guns
From: KH.Ranitzsch@t...
Date: Wed, 20 Mar 2002 14:00:58 +0100 (CET)
Subject: Re: [SG] Walking Drones and Guns
Bell, Brian K (Contractor) schrieb:
> I would like to add some small (dog size), 3-6 legged,
> walking drones/robots
> The trouble is finding/building miniatures. Does anyone
> know of any 3-6 leg robots, smaller than human size, figures?
> Any in 15mm?
Reviresco does some tracked ones in 25 mm.
Another possibility would be Battletech. They did some multi-legged
robots. Probably too big for 15 mm
> Anyone know a good way to kit-bash such a figure?
> My fallback plan is to take a domed button and use wire
> or stick pins to form legs. Then add a piano wire antennae.
Convert plastic toy insects/spiders. Remove too-obviously insect parts
(heads, wings, etc.) add sensors/weaponry from the bits box. Paint in
appropiate colours.